La Grande, Whiskey Creek Culvert Replacement

a crane on a construction site

The aging Whiskey Creek culvert under OR 204 needed to be replaced according to the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The undersized structure was too deteriorated to justify repairs and caused challenges for the roadway, motorists and sensitive fish species. Flooding was common during heavy rain or snow melt which created dangerous driving conditions and…

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Nunhems USA, Inc. Brooks Facility

a building with a sign on the side

Bayer CropScience was in need of expanding their Nunhems USA onion seed facility located near Brooks, Oregon. Keller Associates worked with Anderson Construction on a design-build team.  We provided a 10-year master plan for the 20-acre site expansion, in addition to schematic design, construction design, permitting assistance, and construction administration support. Project Features:

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University of Idaho, Perimeter Drive

a brick paved area with street lights and trees

The Perimeter Drive improvement project added a pedestrian safe and ADA-compliant sidewalk along Perimeter Drive and 6th Street on the University of Idaho campus. The project allows access to grocery, clothing stores, and restaurants, without walking in busy roadways or across Guy Wicks Field. Keller Associates led the design and construction administration for all aspects…

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Idaho State University, Davis Field

an aerial view of a soccer field

When Davis Field first opened on Nov. 11, 1936, it primarily hosted football games. And while the facility is no longer used for football, some of Idaho State University’s most notable sports legends played on the field, including Babe Caccia and Dubby Holt. Originally known as the Spud Bowl, the facility was built as a federally funded…

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Silverton, McClaine Street Improvements

a road with trees and buildings

The McClaine Street Improvement project is the story of a dedicated team working in synergy to overcome obstacles and enhance the lives of a small Oregon community. With McClaine Street deteriorating, the City of Silverton set out to not only improve the roadway, but also elevate the historic area to a vibrant, multi-modal, urban corridor.…

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Idaho Power, Upper Malad Bridge Replacement

A bridge over a river

This project included the design of the new 100-foot single-span bridge over the Malad River near Hagerman, Idaho. The existing Upper Malad Bridge was composed of two spans, and did not allow for access of heavy haul vehicles to IPC’s Upper Malad River plant. To assist with these unique requirements, the bridge allows for the…

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Marshall Racine Trail

In support of the Portneuf Greenway’s goal to build “Miles of Memories,” Keller Associates worked with community partners on this successful pathway project. We love projects that better connect people.  Not only are we an engineering company, but we are engaged community members who promote wellness and outdoor opportunities. The Marshall-Racine Path is a multi-use…

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TVWD, Grabhorn Reservoir

The Keller team partnered with Emery and Sons Construction to complete the Grabhorn 5MG Reservoir, Valve House, and Pipelines. The project includes 8-inch to 24-inch ductile iron pipe, HDPE pipe, seismic resiliency provisions, air release and surge relief provisions, and steep slope installations. Project challenges included: extensive permitting and stormwater requirements, rock removal, 40+ foot…

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North Lake, MBR Treatment Plant

Image of North Lake, MBR Treatment Plant

Challenged by explosive growth and the creation of a new resort community (Tamarack), the North Lake Recreational Sewer and Water District worked closely with Keller Associates in developing a treatment system that would meet the growing needs of a pristine recreational area. Cost: $15,700,000 Services Provided: Project Features:

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Pocatello, Water Operations Facility

Image of Pocatello, Water Operations Facility taken from above at an angle to show the buildings and parking lot

Keller Associates provided the civil site and structural design for the new Water Operations Facility and Shop for the City of Pocatello. The facility was constructed on a 6 acre site adjacent to the Portneuf River. Buildings consisted of steel, masonry, and timber construction. The shop is approximately 24,000 square feet with an overhead bridge…

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Pocatello, Western States CAT

Photo of Pocatello, Western States CAT buildings from a top angled photo

The Western States equipment facility includes a 29-acre site that incorporates eight different buildings, over 150,000 square feet of multi-level office buildings and warehouse space, stairs, elevator, overhead cranes, a heavy-equipment wash, paint booth, and fuel station. Office space typically involves multiple levels and/or a mezzanine. Many of the warehouse spaces house overhead bridge cranes…

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New Meridian Office Building

Photo of the front of New Meridian Office Building with small trees to the left

With our Meridian offices at capacity, Keller made a strategic plan to design and build a new office building in downtown Meridian, ID. As a longtime partner to the City, Keller’s building was a chance to further strengthen our ties to the community, reaffirm our commitment to the City’s revitalization of a historically industrialized area,…

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