A Focus on Groundwater Conservation

Jul 1, 2024

Keller Associates worked with the City of Ammon, Idaho to design their new Groundwater Conservation Park. This park takes a unique approach to both education and water infrastructure, as it’s built around the City’s new well, tank, and booster station and open to the public. Designed for public education, the park provides visitors with the opportunity to observe water facility operations. Around the building are informational displays that include water conservation tips and techniques. Inside, a digital display walks viewers through the City’s conservation initiatives and how the pump station functions. The grounds were designed to accommodate visitors and include walkways, benches, and even a pickleball court. Local and drought-tolerant plants were used for landscaping throughout the park as another educational and water-conservation effort.  

While advocating for groundwater conservation, the City has adopted measures to promote a sustainable future for residents. These include converting parks to surface water irrigation sources to reduce strain on the groundwater supply, metered water for residents to encourage responsible water usage, and state-of-the-art smart water systems in city parks that feature optimized irrigation.

Other conservation tips include:

  • Repair dripping faucets and running toilets promptly. The average household can waste as much as 9,400 gallons a year due to leaks
  • Choose water-efficient appliances and fixtures. Water Sense toilets and shower heads use just a fraction of the water that a standard toilet or shower head uses. This results in an annual water conservation of 13,000 and 2,700 gallons, respectively
  • Use 2-3 inches of mulch in your planter beds to reduce water loss due to evaporation. Mulch also keeps the soil cool and helps control weeds

Photo credit to Andrea Olson, EastIdahoNews.com